Wednesday, January 5, 2011

December in a Flash

So our month of December was a bit busy, as I'm sure everyone's was. I will try to lump in all in a short little post here..Where to start???
Matt, Carrie, Kadence and their new little puppy Stella came for a visit. We always have loads of fun when these guys come, too many laughs, and one intense game of rummy. This year the daddies took the little ones sledding! Kadence got to love on Brock, Nate and Matt got to reminisce and me and Carrie got to listen to them reminisce again!!! We don't get to see these guys nearly enough!

So, after they left Brock got ANOTHER ear infection..This was his 5th in 5 months..After being on and antibiotic every month and never truly getting over his infections, it didn't take me long to decide to get tubes put in his ears. I wanted to get it done sooner than later and nowhere could get me in before the new year except for good old Delta..So we hopped in the car and traveled in a horrible snow storm and got his tubes done..He did soooo good and he has been so much happier since!

Well my wonderful father stepped in and came with me since Nate couldn't come..Yes people he is wearing his cut off 1995 Delta State Champion Sweatshirt! Doesn't he look so happy!

Brock on the other hand was so patient waiting for the Dr's without any food in his tummy!
After the tubes we rushed home since it was done on December 23rd! My parents and Grandpa were coming for Christmas so we had lots to get done before they came! Christmas Eve was great..Morgy was so excited this year..She spread her reindeer food out on the lawn, she got to open one present and we even tracked Santa on the Santa Tracker.

Waiting to open a present!
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Brock got to open his walker!

Morgy opening her's!

Dancing with Bompa!

My two amazing, beautiful, wonderful, SPOILED kids!
Christmas morning was great..Everyone got what they wanted and then some..It was great to have my parents and grandfather here..This will truly be a Christmas to remember. I'm very greatful for all that I have! I tried posting pics of Chrismtas morning but it didn't work and I don't want to see why cuz this post is way long and I'm tired of sitting here waiting for the pics to what you missed is Morgy noticing santas cookies are gone, her running to her presents and then her and Brock opening there 1 million presents..The End..Hope all you Holidays were Great!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Big Little Boy is 6 months!

Hey everyone!
I'm 6 months old now, I've been a pretty good boy up to this point. I'm super busy and already trying to go places. I'm working real hard on getting my bottom two teeth which hasn't been very fun and I get really frustrated because I want to crawl and can't quite figure it out. I'm growing like a weed and already in 12 month clothes. My mommy is sad because I'm growing too fast and she wants me to be a baby forever. I'm ready to be big like my sister!
My 6 Month Stats..
Weight 18 lbs 15 ounces 75%
Height 29.5 off the charts

I happen to be one of the happiest babies around, always smiling from ear to ear!

I started eating solids and I love favorite is squash!!

I love love love my daddy..Every night he gets home I smile and giggle and kiss him (well open mouth slobber on him)

I love to torment by big sister...

But I also really love to love her

I'm almost crawling..scooching everywhere and I get up on all fours and rock!

I love my binky

I really wanted to go on the deer hunt with daddy

Most of all I just love being ME!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This year was a great Halloween! Morgy was so excited to be Cinderella, although I tried talking her out of being a princess, she insisted..When it was all said I done I thought she was a beautiful Cinderella. She dressed up for her school party on Friday and we trick-or-treated on Saturday.

Little Brock was a monkey this year. He was sick a couple days before and he wasn't going to get to go trick or treating but the weather cooperated so we were able to take him out. He didn't understand the whole monkey outfit and why he had to be dressed up but sick and all he was a trooper!

Oh and I almost forgot..I have a little tradition of dressing Dozer up in the kid's costume, only because he lets me. It's the funniest thing because anytime he gets any type of clothing on him he freezes and will not even move an inch..So this year he was a Monkey!

Happy Halloween!!!

While Daddie's Away

Morgy Kadence and Little Lexie

Morghan and Carson doing what they do best..being CRAZY!

Kadence pushing Brock in the baby stroller..She LOVES Brock and is so cute with him!

Morgy and Kadence with Grandma Suzanne!

The four little Munchkins!

While Nate was gone on the deer hunt I had my sister (Karyn) and sister in law (Carrie) come over. We were able to have girl time but of course with all the kids. Morghan, Carson and Kadence played the whole time and it was great to see the 2 sisters! I didn't get any pictures of and of us girls!! OOPS!

Deer Hunt

Nate and Matt drew out for the deer hunt this year in the Souther Region! They hiked 2 miles into there camp this year packing in all there food and gear. The preparation for the hunt ONLY began 2 months prior..This consisted of hiking in the canned goods and burying them, ordering and buying supplies, talking to Matt on the phone night after night preparing for the hunt, going over every detail again and again and again, and then preparing "the pack." The pack was Nates backpack that he had to carry in to camp so it took a great amount of strategizing to make this pack small enough to carry a couple miles. The final night the pack weighed in at 60lbs (yes we pulled out the scale to weigh it).
Off he went!!!! He spotted a buck the first night they got there but the hunt wasn't going to open until the next day so he was nervous he would lose the buck. Fortuanately they were able to find the buck the next day and Nate shot him..The buck is a 4x5 and has a 30 inch spread..Nate was sooooooo excited! We are now in process of getting a full head mount. Nate is having a hard time that I will not let this head mount in my house..I think it will look great in the garage!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Go Broncos or wait Go this is the problem I have every football season.Who to cheer for when these two play each other. The Broncos have always been our families favorite team and the Colts have been Nate's team, so since we've been married I've become a fan of them too. We decided to go to the game in Denver. We had a great time, especially because it was the first time we have been alone in a long time. I had a hard time leaving the kids (mostly because I'm a stress case) but luckily my faithful parents came and watched them for us. We had a great time in downtown Denver and met up with a friend and his girlfriend from college. The game was a lot of fun and the Colts ended up winning.

Glenwood Springs

We decided to take a little family trip to Glenwood Springs. On our way there we stopped at Walmart to pick up some necessities..I ran in with Morghan while Nate stayed in the car..anywhooo we picked up our items and on we went. We got to Glenwood Springs and I went to check in the motel..Where's my Wallet???? I started to freak out, I knew I had left it in the cart at Walmart. I called and talked to the manager and they couldn't find it. I was so freaked out I had to cancel everything. My social security card, a blank check, my drivers license, and credit cards were in there..anything and everything a person wanted for identity theft was in there. I tried not to let it ruin the trip but I knew for sure my wallet had landed in the hands of someone who could do some serious damage.. I cancelled everything and figured just to let it go and have fun. We went to the Springs pool which was a blast..Morghan suprisingly was not scared to go down the slide..she went over and over and over..We stayed there all day. The folowing day we went up the Gondola to the top of the mountain. They have a variety of things to do which one was old fashion pictures, it was a lot of fun. Another thing was a roller coaster that went down the mountain, suprisingly again Morghan was not scared to go on this (Nate was). I need to remind you that the whole time I was calling Walmart a thousand times to see if my wallet had been turned in (it hadn't). We finished on the mountain and headed home. I told Nate to stop in Grand Junction because I had a feeling that my wallet was there and that the managers weren't looking for it. So we stopped, and guess what I found it..right in the top of the pile of lost and found.

Happy 4th Birthday

Morghan, Bayla, and Makenna

Cowabunga Bay!!!

My sweet little Morgy turns 4! Holy cow it's crazy..It doesn't seem like 4 years ago that we had her. She truly has been the best little kid parents could ask for. She is so happy so incredibly smart, she amazes us every day. I couldn't have hand picked a better one. I truly love her with everything in me. We weren't going to do anything for her birthday here because we had planned a trip up to Cowabunga Bay water park with the family but Morgy had a hard time understanding why she couldn't have friends over here. So, I gave in and had a couple of her good friends over for a party. We also ended up going to Cowabunga Baby for Morgy's, Rylie's, and Maddison's Birthday. It was great fun!