Sunday, August 31, 2008

Yep, it's broke!!!

Right when we got home from the ER

So, it's Friday night and we decide to go on a family walk! We walk up the street to the stop sign with Morghan pushing her baby stroller the whole way. When we get to the stop sign at the end of the street we turn around to go back like we always do. For some reason Morghan didn't want to turn around but it was getting late and dark so I made her come home. She wouldn't walk because she was sooooo mad so I picked her up and carried her home. The whole way home was the fit of all fits, hitting, screamin, biting etc... Well I told her she was immediately going to time out when we got home. So that's what I did I walked in and instead of putting her in the time out spot downstairs like I always do I made the decision to put her in her crib because she was being completely out of control. Well, WRONG DECISION! She took it upon herself to try and get out of the crib, something I must say, she has never attempted or even thought about doing when I put her in there so I wasn't worried. Well I don't know exactly what happened but she fell and when I got to her she was holding her arm. I knew right away it was broke. We took her to the ER and sure enough broke the Ulnar and the Radius!! So now she is in a splint for two weeks and we will see if she needs a hard cast after that. Talk about GUILT. I had a huge meltdown because I was the one that put her in the crib and if I wouldn't have done that she wouldn't have fallen out and broke her arm. So I cried all day Saturday and finally pulled myself together. I learned a good listen, don't put your kid in the crib when they are extremely upset! Morghan is doing fine, you would never know she has a broken arm other than it is her right arm so she is struggling using her left, but she hasn't cried once or messed with the splint at all. I think we are all going to survive.


Anonymous said...

Poor little sweetheart! That is definitely on of the hardest things for a mommy to deal with. It's so hard so see your little one get hurt and feel so helpless. Both of my girls burned their hands two weeks apart. It was awful. Ellie on the stove and then Addie on the Fireplace. I cried more than they did. It's so hard to not beat yourself up over it. I totally understand. I definitely felt like mother of the year, it was a nightmare. But they survived and so will Morghan so don't beat yourself up over it. We're not perfect.

brookiebaby said...

Oh, that breaks my heart...for both of you! I would totally have done the same thing that you did.. with all of my mothering experience... ha ha..but she looks like she's doing okay.. smiling so sweet in those pictures! I know that I say it in all of my posts, but she seriously is so dang cute! :) even with a little splint! :) Hang in there! :)

Mandi said...

Hi Lindsey,
The last time I saw you was when you where about 8 months pregnant. Your daughter is so cute and you looks great. Yes it is very crazy who you can find blogging. Good luck with everything...

Mandi said...

Hi Lindsey,
Your family is so cute. I saw you last when you where about 8 months pregnant. You look so great and happy.

Lydia said...

Oh Lindsey, that is horrible. I would have done the exact same thing. Not that it should make you feel any better. My kids are completely out of control. Ha!

You have hit a mile stone. First broken arm. Now you can get on with life. :) Good luck!

The Marvelous Mrs. Miller said...

You poor girl, I can only imagine this is way worse on you.
Good Luck with everything, she'll be just like new in no time. = )

Alicia Hanson said...

Oh my goodness, it is my red bug friend that made me laugh so hard!! I just smile when I think of you and the good ol' days! You are one of my favorite people!! Thanks for finding me, you still look like you are 16!! Your baby girls is so cute, I am so sorry about her arm! I absolutely love looking at your blog! You are as beautiful as ever! Keep in touch!! Alicia