Tuesday, August 5, 2008

That's right my friends!!!

Well I guess I must tell everyone about my recent championship. We attended the family reunion this year and once again had the annual horseshoe tournament. I know how exciting can a horseshoe tournament be....well lets just say it starts off by drawing names out of a hat, one boy and one girl to each team. After the teams are made and everyone bickers about who got who on there team the competition begins. Two horseshoe pits, side by side, in the hot 100 degree Utah weather. A cheering squad off to the side made up of the waiting opponents to play. A little smack talk back and forth amongst players, a few horseshoes flying all over the place, ringers here ringers there. No one knew what they were getting in to once they came face to face with the Buhler-Little combo (that's me and my brother Aaron) We were untouchable!! That's right my friends...Untouchable. We knocked off each competetor one by one and at the end of the day the trophy was handed over and I along with my oldest brother Aaron won the title of 2008 Little-Evans family reunion horse shoe champs!!!!


Lydia said...

So, do they give you a plague or a trophy for being the tournament champion? LOL Stephen's family has a made up game similar to horseshoe. I am glad to hear that his family isn't the only people that have tournaments like that.