Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What a Princess!

Morghan is almost two and it is beginning to show. Most of the time she is the best little girl you could ask for, throwing out "I love you's, kisses, and squeezes. She minds mommy and daddy, laughing and playing so peacefully, and then there are those wonderful times when she decides to really test our patients by throwing what I'm sure is the "terrible two" fit where she is literally a monster. We have used time out more in the past 2 months but she is catching on and the biting, hitting, screaming tantrums have began to get better...I hope!


Natalie said...

Oh my gosh! I am so glad you found our blog - I've been totally thinking about you lately and wondering what you're up to. Seriously I would love to get together sometime. It sounds like you don't live around here anymore, but if you are ever up this way please let me know and we will plan something. Your girl is so so cute by the way!

Lydia said...

I love the "terrible twos." She sounds like my little Remi. He is either the sweetest, kindest boy out there or he is the devil. I used to say he was bipolar. She is so cute. It is hard to imagine that sweet little face biting, hitting, or having a screaming tantrum. Aren't kids great? (The last sentence is to be read with a heavy hint of sarcasm)