Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's a Pee Party in Morghan's Crib

So, where is Morghan's cast in these picture's you ask?? Well, she took it upon herself to take her diaper off during her nap and peed all over the place including all over her ace wrap over her splint. So I had to wash it along with all her stuffed animals and everything else in her crib. Just because I love changing the sheets on the crib, ha ha. I hope everyone can agree with me that changing the sheets on the crib is a pain in the butt, first keeping the bed skirt straight, then getting it around the bumper pad, then pulling the sheet down around the edges once it's in the crib, I hate it!!! So I decided while her ace bandage was in the wash I would take some pics without her cast on. I was a little nervous with her walking around without it for fear she would fall and rebrake it but she didn't fall. She will not smile anymore for pictures, she used to be so photogenic and smile for every picture, now she tells me "no" everytime I tell her to smile. I think it's because she has had a camera in her face since the day she was born.


Anonymous said...

I have to totally agree! I absolutely hate changing the crib. I'm usually sweating and swearing by the time I'm done! I'm glad you got cutestblog to work. That one is way cute. I never had any problems with it so I didn't know what to tell ya.

And are you still doing Home Health?

brookiebaby said...

Oh no...stories like that make me glad that I'm still a while off from that stage! :) Ha Ha! But seriously, how could you be mad very long at an adorable face like Morghan's? I hope that her arm continues to heal!
Take CAre!
P.S. How did you like Grey's?????

Natalie said...

Hi Linds - so I am so sad that this happens to be the weekend that you will be up here. We are leaving for St. George Friday afternoon and won't be back until Sunday night. So I guess I'll have to take a raincheck on that lunch. But please get ahold of me again when you come up here next. Good luck with Morghan's pictures too! Have a great weekend!