Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bathroom Stall Madness

A couple of weekends ago Me, Nate and Morghan made a quick trip to Grand Junction to do some shopping. Well Nate was off doing his shopping which left me with Morgy. Well she is trying her hardest to get potty trained which meant a million and one trips to the bathroom. So, on our 101th visit to the bathroom in target she was sitting on the potty. A lady came in next to us and decided to, well ,Flatulate very loudly. Of course it was very quiet and Morghan decided it would be a perfect time to say. "WHOAH Mommy, that was a big tootie!!!" I didn't answer her because I didn't want the lady next to us to hear my comment, so Morghan kept saying, "Huh mommy, big tootie." So finally I said "Yes Morgy that was a big tootie."


Jess's Journey to the Land Of Skinny said...

That is hilarious! I bet that lady was just so embarrassed! I love the things our kids say.

Bearden Family said...

Kids say the greatest things. They are always so innocent, but it can get us parents in a lot of trouble. :) Isn't it great!

Alicia Hanson said...

Lindsey!! Thanks for the support on the boards, he is so stressed, but I he has been studing his . . . off and hopefully it pays off this time! Ok, so you are freakin funny! I just read through your blog and was laughing the whole time! I know it was a long time ago, but congrats on selling your house, yep we are dummies, and ours is on the market right now. Morgy sounds adorable, adn I am so glad she loved santa, tooties, and her funny mom! Thanks for commenting, your blog is great! Keep in touch and happy holidays!!


Brooke said...

Jona and I are laughing our heads off!!! Don't you just love kids!

Korey and Brandi said...

Hey Linds can you give me your email address I am going private and want to add you!!

Anonymous said...

I love it!! Ellie is always saying things like that too. I love their innocence!