Saturday, October 2, 2010


Go Broncos or wait Go this is the problem I have every football season.Who to cheer for when these two play each other. The Broncos have always been our families favorite team and the Colts have been Nate's team, so since we've been married I've become a fan of them too. We decided to go to the game in Denver. We had a great time, especially because it was the first time we have been alone in a long time. I had a hard time leaving the kids (mostly because I'm a stress case) but luckily my faithful parents came and watched them for us. We had a great time in downtown Denver and met up with a friend and his girlfriend from college. The game was a lot of fun and the Colts ended up winning.


Anonymous said...

Hey! I can't believe how big Brock looks's so crazy how much they change in no time at all. Morghan is getting so big too. They are both such darling little ones! I'm glad you guys were able to have some alone time. I know how little that happens now that we're suppose to be responsible parents : ) I'm a worrier too so I completely understand!